No. 139Markttrend
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- Coin-Vorstellung
1. Project introduction
Kava is a lightning-fast Layer-1 blockchain featuring a developer-optimized co-chain architecture that combines the two most used permissionless ecosystems - Ethereum and Cosmos - into a single, scalable, network. KAVA network enables:
(1) Seamless interoperability
The Ethereum and Cosmos Co-Chains interoperate seamlessly with each other, empowering developers to build in whichever environment they want without sacrificing access to the users and assets of the other.
(2) Optimized scalability
The Kava Network’s unique architecture enables the free flow of users, assets, and projects between Kava and the industry’s most relevant ecosystems at scale, all powered by the lightning-fast Tendermint Core consensus engine.
(3) Rapid ecosystem growth
Innovative and transparent on-chain incentive programs ensure that the best builders in the Ethereum and cosmos ecosystems are properly rewarded for driving growth for the Kava Network.
2. Team introduction
CEO: Scott Stuart
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottcstuart/
Co-founder: Brian K.
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianhenningkerr/
3. Investment institution
IOSG, Lemniscap, SNZ, Hashley Capital, Framework Ventures, Arrington Capital, Jiedian Capital
4. Application and distribution
Token application:
(1) Security: The top 100 nodes validate blocks by a weighted bonded stake in KAVA tokens. Economic incentives for validators come in the form of earning KAVA as block rewards and as a portion of the network’s transaction fees.
(2) Governance: KAVA is used for proposals and voting on critical parameters of the Kava Network.
(3) Incentives: A portion of KAVA emissions is distributed as incentives for scaling the network.
Token distribution:
Private sale: 40%
Sold on Binance Launchpad: 6.52%
Kava Labs shareholders: 25%
Kava Treasury (to be used for growing the Kava ecosystem): 28.48%
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