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ViaBTC Capital’s Online Round-table Forum: The Vision for Value-oriented Investment of a Rising Star in Venture Capital

2021-11-04 09:46:16

On October 23, 2021, ViaBTC Capital held an online brand launch on its official Twitter platform, and invited professionals from investment institutions, including Ray from IOSG Ventures, Yida from Shima Capital, Matt from Blofin, Ran from WOO Network, Warren from Arkstream Capital, and Haipo Yang from ViaBTC, whose insights injected vitality into the online round-table forum.

During this round-table forum, the guests presented a brand new world of crypto value through their impressive remarks. In particular, the founder of ViaBTC and host of the event Mr. Haipo Yang shared the investment philosophy of ViaBTC Capital and illustrated the future investment opportunities in the crypto space from the perspective of an institutional investor.

ViaBTC Capital: Focusing on infrastructure while moving towards the broader ecosystem of DeFi and GameFi

In this event, the top concern of participants is “How can investment institutions benefit from crypto developments through value-centered investment”.

Mr. Haipo Yang, founder of the ViaBTC group and head of the up-and-coming VC institution ViaBTC Capital, summarized a clear approach of value-centered investment from an institutional perspective.

According to Mr. Yang, ViaBTC Capital will focus on investments in crypto infrastructures in the segment of Web 3.0 and Layer 2 because more infrastructures will be needed if the crypto sector wishes to grow on a larger scale. Meanwhile, as an institutional investor, ViaBTC Capital will be a first-hand witness to market trends as it invests in infrastructures related to Web 3.0 and Layer 2 as well as applications in the field of DeFi and DAO. This means ViaBTC Capital will have more access to real-time industry developments, which will help it make the right decisions.

In addition to the focus on infrastructure, ViaBTC Capital’s value-centered investments also cover the GameFi segment. Inherently associated with blockchain technology, GameFi integrates a wide range of elements, such as DeFi, NFT, and game, and is thus the cradle of a mega ecosystem. Investments in such projects will bring higher-than-expected returns.

Upon summarizing the investment approach of ViaBTC Capital, we can see that the institution adopts a steady and long-term strategy that values both pragmatic and visionary investments, which allowed ViaBTC Capital to become an extensively recognized rising star in the field of venture capital within a short period.

ViaBTC’s pursuit of pragmatic investment tells us that we should always first pay attention to the bottom-layer infrastructure, regardless of how successful the crypto application is. The upper-layer applications cannot thrive without a sturdy infrastructure. Plus, if one is obsessed with application investments, he will miss the real “treasure”. On the other hand, the approach of visionary investment teaches us to look further into the future. Instead of chasing after the current trends, we should try to explore the potential of crypto technologies by combining blockchain with social progress.

Apart from ViaBTC Capital’s investment approach, Mr. Haipo Yang also shared some profound personal insights and illustrated “three key capacities” for today’s crypto investors.

ViaBTC Capital: The three basic capacities a qualified investor should have in order to seize the future opportunity of crypto development

The most fundamental one of the three key capacities is research capacity, which is followed by resource integration and value orientation.

An investor who excels at research can develop deeper insights into the entire crypto market. Such investors will have more data and information to help with their investment. Many investment institutions focusing on extensive growth have faded away just because they lacked the research capacity.

The ability to integrate resources will allow an institution to provide more resource support, instead of just funding. Through a connected network of resources, investment institutions will be able to offer well-rounded support for project teams, allowing them to achieve better, faster, and steadier development.

Last but not the least, the value orientation of an investor fundamentally determines his ability to identify promising projects. The right value orientation helps investors keep a proper mindset, and motivates them to engage in long-term investment and strive for higher returns, rather than pursuing short-term speculations with small costs and fast results. 

Mr. Haipo Yang stressed that everyone at ViaBTC Capital has developed the three key capacities, which enabled them to make rational investment decisions from the macro-level perspective of the whole industry. Backed by such a team, which is trustworthy for both its members and clients, ViaBTC Capital has succeeded at every turn.

Powered by the unity of knowledge and practice, the success of ViaBTC Capital is by no means a coincidence

A careful analysis of Mr. Yang’s strategy and philosophy for investment reveals the truth that the success of ViaBTC Capital is by no means a coincidence.

Combining knowledge with practice, Mr. Yang is a qualified leader whose words and actions both reflect the investment values of ViaBTC Capital.

“Backed by the building block of solid investigations, ViaBTC Capital prioritizes steady and long-term investment.” Influenced by such a culture, all members of the ViaBTC Capital team have become down-to-earth, earnest, and bright. Powered by an excellent team composed of such outstanding members, ViaBTC will deliver first-rate results.


The current boom of crypto applications has become an inevitable development trend. ViaBTC Capital will seize this historical opportunity and take solid actions while planning for the future. It will connect project teams with users and resources and explore new crypto opportunities for value-centered investment.

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