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No. 79
Axie Infinity
BNB Chain
AXS Último precio
Precio más bajo
Precio más alto
Volumen de 24H(USD)
Valor total de mercado(USD)
Valor de mercado del circulante (USD)
Circulación total
Suministro Total

Vista de Trading

AXS Cambio de precio
Últimos 7 días
30 días
90 días
180 días
365 días


Cambio en 24H
Cambio en 30D
Volumen de 24H
Volumen de 24H
Introducción a la moneda
1. Project introduction

Axie Infinity is a game universe filled with Axies that players can collect as pets. Players aim to battle, breed, collect, raise, and build kingdoms for their Axies. The universe has a player-owned economy where players can truly own, buy, sell, and trade resources they earn in the game through skilled-gameplay and contributions to the ecosystem. There are and will be many varied games experiences for Axies. Many of them will have players compete with each other using complex strategies and tactics to attain top rankings or be rewarded with coveted resources. Others will have them complete quests, defeat bosses, and unlock in-depth storylines. There are countless unique Axies that players can collect with varying body parts and appearances. Body parts will unlock abilities for Axies that vary across games, they will have completely different values, benefits, and skills from one game to another. Body parts also have their own unique card art for players to collect.

2. Team introduction

CEO: Trung Nguyen Linkedin: Co-Founder & COO: Aleksander Leonard Larsenz Linkedin: Art Director: Tu Doan Linkedin:

3. Investment institution

500 Startups Vietnam, Collaborative Fund, Alexis Ohanian, Mark Cuban, Libertus Capital, Leon Hillmann, COIND, Animoca Brands, Pangea Blockchain Fund

4. Application and distribution

Total supply: 270,000,000 Token application: (1) Staking: Players will be able to lock up their tokens to receive newly created AXS. Stakers will also be required to vote and play to claim rewards. (2) Payment: AXS will be accepted as currency within the Axie NFT marketplace. AXS may also be used to determine eligibility for participation in certain sales/auctions conducted by the Axie team. (3) Governance: In early 2021, the Community Treasury will go live and begin to receive revenues generated by Axie Infinity as well as a portion of staking rewards. This treasury will be governed by AXS stakers once the network has become sufficiently decentralized. Token distribution: Play and Earn: 20% Staking Rewads: 29% Ecosystem Fund: 8% Sky Mavis: 21% Advisors: 7% Public Sale: 11% Private Sale: 4%

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Los datos sobre criptomonedas que se muestran en la plataforma (como los precios en tiempo real) proceden de terceros y sólo sirven de referencia, por lo que no están totalmente garantizados. Operar en Internet conlleva riesgos, incluidos fallos de software y hardware. La plataforma no controla la fiabilidad de Internet y no es responsable de las pérdidas resultantes de fallos de conexión u otros problemas relacionados.