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No. 388
ERG Último precio
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Valor de mercado del circulante (USD)
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Vista de Trading

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365 días


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Volumen de 24H
Introducción a la moneda
1. Project introduction

Ergo is a smart contract platform that ensures the economic freedom of ordinary people through secure, accessible, and decentralized financial tools. Ergo is a Proof of Work smart-contract contract platform that enables new models of financial interaction, underpinned by a safe and rich scripting language and flexible and powerful Zero-Knowledge proofs (Σ-protocols). Ergo is a self-amendable protocol that allows it to absorb new ideas and improve itself in the future and is based on original research published at known peer-reviewed conferences. Prioritising useful features without compromising security using a research-driven but practical development model.Ergo mining is based on Autolykos, an ASIC resistant Proof of Work algorithm written in Scala. It can run on most low-end GPUs at cooler temperatures than other algorithms - increasing mining equipment longevity. Combined with the eUTXO model and shifting the heavy-lifting off-chain, this creates a highly efficient Proof of Work. To achieve survivability, Ergo provides economic improvements in addition to the technical ones, most central of which is a storage fee component which plays an important role for Ergo‘s stability: if an output remains in state for 4 years without being moved, a miner may charge small fee for every byte kept in the state. If value of the output is less than a required fee to pay, then the output will be removed from the state.

2. Distribution

Ergo’s native token is called ERG and its emission schedule. ERG has some Key Points: (1) ERG has a strictly limited supply of 97,739,925 Ergs; (2) The amount of ERG going to the Treasury comprised a total of only 4,330,791.5, or 4.43% of the total monetary base, and was completed in just 2.5 years. (3) The Ergo block interval is 2 minutes (4) All tokens are mined through an ASIC-resistant Proof-of-Work (“PoW”) algorithm called Autolykos. There were 0 Ergs in existence at launch of mainnet as there was no ICO nor pre-mine.

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Los datos sobre criptomonedas que se muestran en la plataforma (como los precios en tiempo real) proceden de terceros y sólo sirven de referencia, por lo que no están totalmente garantizados. Operar en Internet conlleva riesgos, incluidos fallos de software y hardware. La plataforma no controla la fiabilidad de Internet y no es responsable de las pérdidas resultantes de fallos de conexión u otros problemas relacionados.