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No. 374
IX Swap
IXS Último precio
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Volumen de 24H(USD)
Valor total de mercado(USD)
Valor de mercado del circulante (USD)
Circulación total
Suministro Total

Vista de Trading

IXS Cambio de precio
Últimos 7 días
30 días
90 días
180 días
365 días


Cambio en 24H
Cambio en 30D
Volumen de 24H
Volumen de 24H
Introducción a la moneda

1. Project introduction

Founded in 2021, IX Swap is a company whose vision is to bridge the gap between DeFi and CeFi by bringing liquidity to the security token and NFT markets.

As a platform, IX Swap is an automated market-maker that leverages liquidity pools purpose-built for security tokens and fractionalized NFTs (F-NFT) to solve the industry's systemic liquidity problem.

By bringing innovative blockchain-based solutions to address the most pressing pain point in the security token industry, IX Swap empowers both retail and enterprise-level parties to invest, trade, and issue security tokens with unprecedented ease, convenience, and accessibility.

2. Team introduction

3. Token application and distribution

Token application:

IXS is an ERC-20 token that serves as the utility token of IX Swap and can be bridged to the Polygon network as WIXS.

The IXS token has a maximum supply of 180 million $IXS and is founded on deflationary economics. This means that the buying power and value of IXS is expected to increase over time as demand increases and will help ensure that value is created for our token holders the more the IX Swap platform is used.

As a deflationary token, it is necessary to reduce the number of IXS tokens in circulation as time passes. To facilitate this, a proportion of the fees collected from each of the IX Swap products will be contributed to the Solar Vault and Moon Vault.

Both buy-back and coin burning are designed to increase the value of a token by lowering its supply as the fees collected increase.

Token distribution:

Private Round 19.4%,20.0% tge, 3.48% monthly

Public Round 4.8%, 33.3% tge, 33.4% monthly

Team 15%,10.0% tge, 2.57% monthly

Marketing 10%,0.0% tge, 0.641% weekly

Reserves 14.8%,0.0% tge, 0.641% weekly

Partnerships 9%,10.0% tge, 2.57% monthly

Market Maker 1%,100% unlocked

Ecosystem 26%,1.0% tge, 0.635% weekly

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