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No. 630
S.S. Lazio Fan Token
BNB Chain
Fan Token
LAZIO Último precio
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Volumen de 24H(USD)
Valor total de mercado(USD)
Valor de mercado del circulante (USD)
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Vista de Trading

LAZIO Cambio de precio
Últimos 7 días
30 días
90 días
180 días
365 días


Cambio en 24H
Cambio en 30D
Volumen de 24H
Volumen de 24H
Introducción a la moneda
1. Project introduction

The Lazio Fan Token is a BEP-20 utility token designed to revolutionize the fan experience for all S.S. Lazio supporters. The token empowers S.S. Lazio fans to participate in team voting polls, hunt digital collectibles, purchase NFTs, and enjoy gamification features that are tied with fan rewards or great experiences. The LAZIO fan tokens aim to reshape the relationship between S.S. Lazio and the club's fans by providing crypto-powered one-stop engagement and governance solutions leveraging the Binance Fan Token Platform. The Binance Fan Tokens further empowers S.S. Lazio fans by providing fans exciting ways to engage and grow with their favorite team. The club is also able to incorporate the utility token into its ecosystem, enabling voting, donations, E-commerce, NFT, and more.

2. Team introduction

Marketing Coordinator, Sponsorships and Events: Marco Canigiani Linkedin: Marketing Area: Laura Silvia Zaccheo Linkedin: Licensing and Retail Area: Valerio D'Attilia Linkedin:

3. Application and distribution

Total supply: 40,000,000 Token application: (1) Engagement: LAZIO token holders have the right to participate in the fan engagement-related voting sessions on the Binance Fan Token platform. (2) Loyalty Subscription: LAZIO token holders will be able to use LAZIO tokens to subscribe for fan rewards, digital collectibles, loyalty points, and more. (3) E-commerce: LAZIO token can be incorporated into S.S. Lazio’s potential future e-commerce ecosystem and be used as payment for merchandise, matchday tickets, memberships, and more by leveraging Binance Pay. (4) Benefits: LAZIO token holders can get once-in-a-lifetime benefits by engaging with S.S. Lazio on the Binance Fan Token Platform, including signed merchandise, meet and greet with a football player or legend, 1-1 phone call with team members, a training session with the first team, etc. (5) Gamification: LAZIO token holders will be able to access multiple gamification features on the Binance Fan Token Platform. (6) Donation: LAZIO token holders will be able to donate directly to their loved team and get a proof-of-loyalty badge. Token distribution: Binance Launchpad Sale: 10.00% Team: 15.00% Loyalty Subscription: 20.00% User Fund: 35.00% Developer Fund: 20.00%

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