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No. 834
ORB Último precio
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Valor de mercado del circulante (USD)
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Vista de Trading

ORB Cambio de precio
Últimos 7 días
30 días
90 días
180 días
365 días


Cambio en 24H
Cambio en 30D
Volumen de 24H
Volumen de 24H
Introducción a la moneda
1. Project introduction

KlayCity is a decentralized P2E (Play to Earn) game built on the Klaytn Blockchain. The background of the is in 2080, and earth as we know it is no longer the same. Wrecked by years of global warming and pollution, most of the population centers have long gone. People had no choice, but to look for another planet. Ten spaceships had survivors on board and they traveled through space for a long time, but were unable to find an inhabitable planet. Now mankind has only one goal. Develop LAY007s and clean up the earth in order to survive. Survivors selected 1,000 locations to start over and named those, the Districts. Each district is given a number; for example, District 0001. Help mankind regain strength and thrive once again. In the game, users (District Owners) Generate LAY007 Tokens, which can be used to the farm ORB tokens and Explore New Districts. ORB Tokens can be used for exploring new Districts, or to upgrade existing Districts, and increase the rate of LAY007 generation. The entire game is decentralized, and users utilize staking, minting, and burning to create a seemless P2E envirnoment. LAY007 uses its mechanical and chemical fusion function on scavenged goods and part of pollutants to create ORB. ORB can be used to upgrade districts at an increasing cost. Because available resources are limited, production amount of ORB will decrease every year.

2. Investment institution

Animoca Brands, Krust, Naver Z, FriendsGames, A&T Capital, OKX Blockdream Ventures, Genesis Block Ventures, Kyros Ventures, ROK Capital, StableNode, PlayDapp, HG Ventures

3. Application and distribution

Total supply: 1 billion Token application: ORB is the native token of KlayCity, ORB can be used to upgrade existing districts, explore new districts and governance. Token distribution: Dev Fund: 1.5% Liquidity: 1% LP Incentive: 4% Marketing: 6% Ecosystem: 7% Mined (Yield): 44% Team: 18% Investors: 18.5% -Seed: 8% -Private: 9.5% -IDO: 1%

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