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EXFI (Experimental Finance)
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Airdrop may mắn
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Tổng lượng airdrop
4,000 EXFI
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Số người nhận airdrop
2000 Người
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2000 +
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EXFI Experimental Finance
Flare Finance is the first institutional-grade decentralized finance platform built on the Flare Network. It offers a suite of decentralized finance products dedicated to bootstrapping the Flare Network with a single suite DeFi solution for business and retail finance products. Flare Finance launched an Experimental Finance (ExFi) platform on the Flare Network’s Canary network Songbird Network. Flare Finance utilizes Web3 capabilities to allow people to engage with our products and services trustlessly without giving up custody of their funds. The protocol is a compliant decentralized autonomous organization with added KYC and AML regulatory features ensuring a trustable experience. The suite of products is diverse and includes; yield farming, swaps and leverage trading, asset wrapping, peer to peer loans, decentralized mutual funds, and yield mining. It includes FlareX, FlareFarm and FlareLoans. Let’s dive into some of these products. FlareX:FlareX is the ecosystem's swaps and margin trading platform. It allows traders to swap and leverage various tokens trustlessly in a non-custodial manner. FlareX utilizes immutable smart contracts to provide automated market makers (AMMs) with liquidity. Liquidity Pools:FlareX liquidity pools require a 50/50 token split meaning the user must provide equal value amounts of both tokens. After providing liquidity, the system mints LP Tokens for the user, which acts as keys to unlock the provided liquidity. Fees are accrued in real time relative to the users pool share as trades occur. FlareFarm:FlareFarm allows holder's to participate in non-custodial yield farming and token Launchpads. EXFI is a fee replacement token, yield farming token, and secondary governance token. It is also the primary currency of the ExFi Ecosystem. It’s primary use case is to replace fees on FlareX, vote new pairs and liquidity pools on FlareX, and also to vote on minor governance proposals in the FlareGovernance System.
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