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Accelerating DeFi Innovation, ViaBTC Capital Builds the Top Investment Alliance

2021-10-11 01:12:03

This industry has witnessed quite a lot in 2021: new highs of the price of mainstream cryptocurrencies, jumbled animal coins, and drastic ups and downs of currency prices. However, instead of being affected by this turbulent secondary market, wise institutions put the immediate losses and gains aside, managed to grasp the pulse of the industry, and quietly started a new round of investment layout and ecosystem construction.

In early August, ViaBTC announced the establishment of ViaBTC Capital, focusing on investing in Web 3.0, Layer 2, and DApps that combine the elements of DeFi, NFT, or DAO. Meanwhile, ViaBTC Capital has also established a strategic investment alliance with IOSG, Pantera, and Shima Capital, all of which are well-known leading investment institutions, to build a top investment ecosystem in the industry by leveraging respective advantages. 

Cooperation - Focus on the blockchain filed

Decentralized finance (DeFi) has also won the favor of capital with its ever-growing influence both in and out of the industry and the undiminished boom of DeFi. Data shows that in the first half of 2021, the number of financing cases amounts to 770 in the global blockchain market. 543 disclosed specific financing amounts, totaling $76.950 billion with an average amount up to $142 million. Over 85% goes to fields related to the crypto industry, mainly DeFi and NFT.

Against this backdrop, there’s an increasing number of start-ups, various innovative concepts, and high-quality projects. However, many start-ups and projects could encounter early-stage difficulties, such as limited funds, insufficient resources, and lack of support. Even those star projects couldn’t go further if they can’t get the support of partners from different fields in the industry.

The investment alliance established by ViaBTC Capital has built a platform for cooperation in DeFi investment. It is both required by the development of the industry and represents its trend of it. All our partners in this alliance have deep accumulations in the industry and are both influential and renowned for investment vision and services. The in-depth cooperation will actively leverage the role of capital in boosting high-quality projects and start-ups, provide comprehensive services and support for investment in the DeFi field, and give full play to the advantages of investment incubation services, thus pushing the industry to develop in a healthier way and accelerating the ecosystem construction.

A single tree cannot make a forest. Only by supporting each other and working together, can we go through more bulls and bears.

Investment - and beyond

The aim of top-notch investment institutions is neither to pour capital nor for short-term benefits.

And projects often pursue more than money.

For the rapid and long-term development of the projects, in addition to financial support, the ViaBTC Capital investment alliance will also integrate resources and give play to respective advantages to provide comprehensive, high-quality, and practical support in post-investment services, including market promotion, technology guidance, global investment network, and opportunities to get listed.

Take the blockchain industry which is mostly driven by technology. The members of start-ups in this field are mostly technical personnel, who lack experience in operation and marketing. There are still a large number of emerging blue ocean markets in the blockchain field. Although many projects expect to expand the international market in an all-around way, they are incapable of doing so.

CoinEx Exchange under ViaBTC Group has been actively tapping into the international market for quite a long time. It has considerable experience in exploring markets including the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Russia, and has abundant international resources and strong communities, outrunning its competitors. Therefore, ViaBTC Capital is fully competent to empower projects in terms of global promotion, content building, and community publicity. Although technology is undoubtedly the cornerstone of success, only with excellent promotion and operation can the advantages of technology be fully exploited to achieve great success.

And the other professional investment institutions, who have keen insight into the industry, can provide services including comprehensive investment consulting, and have access to resources around the world.

Layout - Build an all-around ecosystem for the future

We may know about the whole from a part. From the layout, development direction, and partners, we can see that ViaBTC Capital’s strategic vision, foresight, ambition, and sense of responsibility for the industry and DeFi are greater than imagined.

Going through the development path and achievements of ViaBTC over the past few years, it is clear that from the very beginning, ViaBTC has been laying out an all-around ecosystem: it has developed ViaBTC Pool, CoinEx Exchange, CoinEx Smart Chain and ViaWallet (upgraded to CoinEx Wallet). ViaBTC has been practicing its mission of "becoming the infrastructure of the blockchain industry", and has been moving forward on the right path. ViaBTC Pool, now a veteran in the industry, has recently jumped to the top three mining pools in the world in terms of hashrates; CoinEx Exchange is developing rapidly and has long been recognized as a quasi-top exchange in the industry; ViaWallet, both safe and stable, supports the majority of public chains; CoinEx Smart Chain, which was launched recently, strikes a perfect balance among security, efficiency, and decentralization.

As one of the few institutions with a comprehensive ecosystem, ViaBTC is making a brand new attempt to the establishment of an investment alliance. Based on the foresight and expectation of the huge potential of the DeFi market, ViaBTC will join forces with top institutions to incubate high-quality projects and start-ups and set up a more friendly, open, and complete ecosystem.


It is easy to make the right choice, but it is difficult to do it in the right way. Today's market is increasingly volatile and full of uncertainties. Institutions with a long-term vision are increasing investment and encouraging innovation in cutting-edge fields, technology, and data. 2021 will be over in the blink of an eye. In this ever-changing industry, it is difficult to predict how things will go in the future. However, an organization that insists on making the right choices and can do things right must have a promising future.

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