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What Is Raptoreum and How to Buy RTM?

2023-06-05 07:48:00

Raptoreum (RTM) is a secure POW blockchain platform that offers features such as NFTs, smart contracts, and enhanced security and aims to address challenges experienced on other blockchain platforms by introducing innovative solutions. 

At the end of this article, you will learn what Raptoreum is and how it works, learn about Raptoreum native coin RTM and its tokenomics, the history of Raptoreum, features of Raptoreum, the value of RTM token and lastly you will learn how and where to buy RTM tokens.

What Is Raptoreum and How Does It Work?

Raptoreum is named after the Victorian phrase for a bird of prey, followed by the suffix "ium/eum" which means a "place for" or "related to" birds of prey. The team's extensive background in the security field, where they possess advanced skills covering all aspects of it, is the reason behind the name. This gives them a distinctive advantage within the cryptocurrency community and will greatly contribute to the success of their project. 

Raptoreum (RTM)

Raptoreum is a secure POW (Proof Of Work) blockchain platform that is designed to be powerful and flexible. It offers features such as NFTs, smart contracts, and futures, and aims to address challenges experienced on other blockchain platforms by introducing innovative solutions. The project was launched in November 2018 as a code fork of RVN (Ravencoin). However, due to multiple security concerns, bugs, and exploits in RVN, the Raptoreum team decided to abandon the Ravencoin codebase and switch to a code fork of DASH in August 2020.

What has worked well for the Raptoreum project is its unique proof of work system. The GhostRider algorithm and CPU mining have made it accessible to a wide range of participants. 

The Raptoreum team is working with a combination of proven technologies on top of Dash’s codebase which places Raptoreum in close proximity to Bitcoin (in terms of codebase) rather than Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polkadot and other blockchain platforms. It is worth noting that many features being developed on the platform are still under development

What sets Raptoreum apart from other blockchain projects is that it is not focused on being the fastest, easiest to use, or most affordable and scalable solution. These aspects often come with serious issues that negatively impact long-term usability and scaling.

Raptoreum's innovative approach to blockchain technology promises to deliver faster and more secure transactions, while also providing a host of additional features that make it stand out from the competition.

What Is the RTM Token?

Raptoreum (RTM) is the native coin of the Raptoreum blockchain. RTM is used to pay transaction fees, incentivize miners, and participate in the governance of the network.

RTM has several utilities within its ecosystem, including its use as transaction fees to facilitate payments, a payment method for goods and services, as well as its potential for use in decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, gaming, and more.

In addition to being used for transaction fees and governance, RTM can also be staked to earn additional rewards. Staking involves holding RTM in a wallet and using it to validate transactions on the network. Stakers earn a portion of the transaction fees as a reward for their participation in the network.

RTM is also used for governance on the Raptoreum blockchain. Holders of RTM can propose and vote on changes to the network, such as protocol upgrades, changes to transaction fees, and other important decisions. This gives RTM holders a say in the direction and development of the platform.

In summary, RTM token works within the Raptoreum blockchain as a means of exchange, transaction fees, mining rewards, staking rewards, and governance. The unique GhostRider PoW algorithm makes it accessible and secure for miners while staking incentivizes users to hold and validate transactions on the network. RTM holders also have a say in the development of the platform through governance, and the token can be used to pay for various assets within the ecosystem.

RTM Tokenomics

RTM Tokenomics

History of Raptoreum (RTM)

Raptoreum is a blockchain project that was launched in 2018 as a code fork of Ravencoin. However, due to security concerns, the project was later switched to a code fork of DASH. The team is led by CEO David Owen Morris and COO Lorne Jerry, both of whom have decades of experience in the technology industry. The team values anonymity for security reasons and is referred to by usernames or first names only on the website. 

The team's expertise covers all aspects of cybersecurity, giving them a distinct advantage in the cryptocurrency community. The project's focus on accessibility has yielded positive results, with over eight thousand users on the Discord server. The team is continuously working on developing the platform, and the project has gained a strong community of supporters and developers.

Features of Raptoreum (RTM)

Raptoreum is an innovative blockchain project that is perceived to be revolutionary in the Web3 ecosystem due to several features mentioned below:

  1. Unique Proof-of-Work Algorithm: Raptoreum's GhostRider algorithm and CPU mining have attracted over 55,000 miners, making it accessible to almost anyone, even those with old hardware in low to medium power priced regions. This continual growth has helped the project diversify and disperse in a meaningful manner.
  2. Proven Technologies: Raptoreum is working with a combination of proven technologies on top of Dash's codebase, which means it is very close to Bitcoin in terms of the codebase. This makes it very secure and reliable. 
  3. Security: Raptoreum is highly secure and resistant to 51% attacks due to its LLMQ and Chainlocks feature, which prevents the reorganization of the blockchain further than one block. Additionally, developers are restricted to utilizing libraries that the platform supports, ensuring that no libraries with malicious code will be allowed in the smart contracts being executed on the RTM network.
  4. Scalability: Raptoreum is constantly improving its scalability, with plans to innovate how transactions are recorded into the blocks to get from around 45TPS to a much more scalable 500TPS or more. Raptoreum also employs smart contract executions upon the smartnode network, which greatly decreases contract execution time, resulting in a different kind of contract execution process that is far more robust than the ones we see today.
  5. Devability: Raptoreum opens up smart contracts to more developers by introducing common programming languages such as Java, Python, Scala, and more. This greatly reduces the learning curve barrier of current smart contract programming languages that are very uncommon outside of blockchain technology. 
  6. Improved Privacy and DOS Resistance: Raptoreum's PrivateSend feature is highly secure against theft, allowing users' coins to always remain safe. Additionally, Raptoreum uses a custom emissions curve with a tiered smartnode collateral and reward system, avoiding the hyperinflation that damages many other coins that use Master/Smartnodes.
  7. Smartnodes: Smartnodes play multiple critical roles on the Raptoreum network, such as storing and executing smart contracts and running Dash-style chainlocks. Raptoreum's Smartnode network increases decentralization, and the fact that anybody anywhere can mine Raptoreum (RTM) and receive a reasonable reward further increases the decentralization of the project.

RTM Token Value

As of May 2023, the value of the RTM token stands at approximately $0.0015, with supply and demand being the primary factors influencing its valuation. RTM tokens also get more value through their use in the Raptoreum network. RTM tokens can be used to pay for goods and services on the Raptoreum network. They can also be used to stake and earn rewards. As Raptoreum network adoption and decentralized app development increase, so will the demand for RTM tokens, driving their value.

Below are some of the factors that could influence the value of RTM tokens:

  • The overall health of the cryptocurrency market
  • The adoption of Raptoreum by merchants and businesses
  • The development of new features and applications on the Raptoreum network
  • The availability of RTM tokens on exchanges

How to Buy RTM Tokens?

CoinEx is a global cryptocurrency exchange, trusted by 5+ millions of users worldwide with 100% reserve. With its 700+ tokens supported, including RTM, users can now trade easily and seamlessly. To purchase RTM tokens on CoinEx, follow the steps below.

  1. Register or Log In: To access CoinEx's services, register for an account by clicking "Register". Existing users can log in. CoinEx allows users to deposit and trade without completing KYC, but verification offers benefits. 
  2. Deposit Fiat or Crypto: Fund your CoinEx account by depositing through a range of options such as credit cards, bank transfers, etc. You can also deposit other supported cryptocurrencies that can be traded with RTM. 
  3. Exchange Paired Tokens for RTM: Deposit funds into your CoinEx account, then go to the trading page and select the appropriate RTM trading pair that matches your deposit. For example, choose "RTM/USDT" if you deposited USDT.
  4. Buy/Trade RTM Tokens: Purchase RTM tokens by specifying the desired amount and exchanging the paired token for RTM after selecting the correct trading pair.
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