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CoinEx Daily: NULS (NULS) Surges 45%, Gas Hero's $25M GMT Airdrop

2024-03-19 12:00:00

CoinEx Top Gainer——【NULS (NULS)】

NULS (NULS) surges 45% in 24 hours. NULS is a blockchain with a modular based architecture enabling customizable modules and cross-chain operability. Its two-part design is the micro-service and the functional modules. They have been built with the goal to maintain the well-known programming practice of high cohesion and low coupling. They also adopt the hot pluggable principle allowing modules to be added or removed during operation.

Check Out the Latest Prices, Charts, and Data of NULS Market and NULSUSDT Spot!

CoinEx News Nosh ——【Gas Hero's $25M GMT Airdrop】

Gas Hero's recent 25 million GMT airdrop signifies a pivotal move towards community integration, emblematic of FSL's commitment to fostering a vibrant, participatory ecosystem in Web3 gaming. 

The initiative, launched on March 18th, exemplifies Gas Hero's ethos of prioritizing community engagement, as evidenced by its impressive in-game trading volume and substantial rewards for player participation. CEO Shiti Manghani emphasizes Gas Hero's evolution beyond mere entertainment, into a communal experience where players shape the game's direction. Through initiatives like these, Gas Hero and FSL pioneer a new era of community-focused development in the Web3 landscape, heralding a more interconnected and participatory digital future.

Check Out the Latest Prices, Charts, and Data of GMT Market and GMTUSDT Spot!

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