
CoinEx Charity Donates Multimedia Equipment and Scholarships to Empower Thai Education

2023-10-19 10:09:44

CoinEx Charity, an international charity, launched the Grant for Fulfilling Dreams at Wat PiKul School in Bangkok, Thailand on September 18, 2023. At the event, the organization donated multimedia equipment, sports gear, and teaching supplies to the school and also provided scholarships for the students. The program aimed to contribute to local education in Thailand, improve learning conditions for underprivileged students, and foster a more enabling educational environment.

According to a report on poverty in Thailand, the country is home to 8.1 million poor people, 51.5% of whom are vulnerable individuals, including children, the sick, and the unemployed. The report says that more than 280,000 children in Thailand drop out of school due to poverty. Wat PiKul School, located in Bangkok, struggles with a lack of educational resources, particularly teaching equipment and sports facilities. Most of the students at the school come from low-income households that can barely afford their tuition. Recognizing these challenges, CoinEx Charity decided to launch the Grant for Fulfilling Dreams at the school to provide real help for the students, bringing them warmth and hope.

During the event, CoinEx Charity donated multimedia devices such as smart TVs and sports equipment, offering students an improved learning environment and better educational tools. Faculty members at the school also appreciated CoinEx Charity’s generosity. “These are all very useful teaching aids that allow students to receive education through smart devices. They help students enjoy learning and become more motivated,” one teacher said. CoinEx Charity is convinced that these multimedia devices will drastically improve students’ academic performance, laying a solid foundation for their future success.

Apart from the advanced teaching aids, CoinEx Charity also provided the students with scholarships and school supplies so that they could continue to receive a high-quality education. Most students at Wat PiKul School come from economically disadvantaged families and may have to discontinue their education at a certain stage. Scholarships from CoinEx Charity opened a door of hope, allowing the students to continue their studies and strive for a better future.

At the event, the CoinEx Charity team engaged in heartfelt interactions with the students and faculty members at Wat PiKul School. The team expressed their support and concern for the school’s educational endeavors and offered the students encouragement. Through similar events, CoinEx Charity has not only provided students with genuine help but also set an admirable example for other businesses and organizations.

The Grant for Fulfilling Dreams also carries CoinEx Charity’s hope to provide better educational resources and opportunities for poor regions in Thailand, as it attempts to help more students realize their dreams. CoinEx Charity’s efforts are well-received by the students and faculty members at Wat PiKul School, as well as the local community. In his speech, the school principal noted that CoinEx Charity’s generous donations will have a profound impact on the quality of education at the school and the academic achievements of the students, and the school will make the most of the donations. The principal also appreciated the contributions that CoinEx Charity made to promote educational welfare in Thailand.

The Grant for Fulfilling Dreams, launched in April 2023, has reached poor schools in 13 countries including Türkiye, Vietnam, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Venezuela, and several African countries. Through the program, CoinEx Charity has provided scholarships for thousands of underprivileged children to help them continue their education. CoinEx Charity believes that education is the key to changing one’s destiny. The Grant for Fulfilling Dreams aims to bring more opportunities and hope to underprivileged students around the world, helping them realize their dreams.

Since its inception, CoinEx Charity has been closely following charity programs and educational issues around the world. Actively involved in charitable efforts, the organization is spreading love and good will across the globe. Going forward, CoinEx Charity will continue to support educational institutions like Wat PiKul School, address global educational concerns, and help improve the learning conditions of underprivileged children. CoinEx Charity calls on more compassionate businesses and philanthropic organizations worldwide to focus on educational welfare, contribute to social progress, and build a brighter future for all.