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Post P2P Ads to Share 1,960 USDT

Event Details

Event ended
  • Total Pool1,960 USDT
  • Fiat Trading ZoneUSD
  • Signup Deadline (UTC)2024-12-14 00:00:00
  • Event Start Time (UTC)2024-11-30 00:00:00
  • Event End Time (UTC)2024-12-14 00:00:00
  • Valid Ad Time (UTC)00:00:00 - 23:59:59
Merchant Registration Completed
Payment Methods Available:
Qualified for participation
Signed up successfully
Post your ads on P2P Trading
Win Rewards

My Statistics

* Rankings updated hourly

Cml. Rewards


Today's buying rankings/points

-- / --

Today's selling rankings/points

-- / --

Rewards unlocked/to be unlocked

-- / --

Buy Side Rankings
Share 40 USDT every day
Merchant Name
Points for the day
Rewards Obtained
Sell Side Rankings
Share 100 USDT every day
Merchant Name
Points for the day
Rewards Obtained

Bonus Points

Completion %
Point Multiplier
95% ~ 100%
90% ~ 95%
80% ~ 90%
70% ~ 80%
0% ~ 70%
  • 1. During the event period, bonus points will be awarded based on the point multiplier corresponding to the completion rate for the day.
  • 2. For example, when the event is concluded for the day, if you obtain 1000 points in total on that day, and the completion rate is 95%, then your final accumulated points for the day = 1000 × 1.5 = 1500 points.
  • 3. Bonus points may alter the final ranking. Rewards for the event will be distributed based on the ranking after the bonus points have been calculated.

Prize Sharing

Sharing Ratio
4 ~ 5


1. Requirements:

Qualified merchants can join the event after the sign-up and approval.

2. Rules of Points:

During the snapshot period, a random snapshot of the orders under the fiat trading zone will be taken every minute. Only orders deemed valid will earn points. Your ads must meet all the following conditions to be considered valid:

  • • The ads should be active at the time of the snapshot.
  • • The prices specified in ads should fall within the valid price range for the event.
  • • The amounts specified in ads should fall within the valid amount range for the event.
  • • There are no completion rate restrictions for the ads.
  • • Users have registered for less than 90 days.

Points are divided into two categories: Ad-posting points and completion points, with a maximum of 100 points awarded per minute for each category

The ad-posting points will be determined by both the ad's ranking in the list and its proximity to the market price. A higher ranking and closer price to the market will result in more points

The completion point stands for various point multipliers based on the merchant's completion rate on the particular day.

The points for buy and sell sides are calculated separately

The points are calculated on a daily basis and reset to zero at the end of each day

3. Rules of Ranking and Rewards:

Rewards are distributed according to the points ranking of the day. For specific rankings and distribution ratios, please refer to the Event Details page.

The daily event rewards will be distributed to your spot account on the next business day and locked for 7 day. Withdrawals are allowed after unlocking.

The actual amount of rewards distributed is subject to the end of event on the particular day.

During rewards distribution, the merchant access and account status must remain normal to receive points, otherwise the rewards cannot be distributed.

4. For the complete rules of the event and rewards, please visit Help Center. All rules are subject to the related announcements.

5. Cheating, such as registering multiple side accounts, click farming, etc., is strictly prohibited during the event. Once detected, you will be immediately disqualified from the event. CoinEx reserves the final interpretation of the event.

6. If you have spotted any cheating behaviors, please report it to the platform by submitting a request.